Video courtesy of The Organic For You Watch how we been making soap at The Organic For You since 2008 .
What's Small Batch, and Why Choosing us?
The definition of small batch bath and body products can almost be deduced by it’s name. Our skincare products are made in smaller amounts- in our studio, packed one at a time and sold in small doses so that quality assurance is really high. This whole process is stripped back with many independent brands making and selling under the one roof. Just like The Organic For You, everything is done by one woman. From conceptualizing, creating, producing, packing, marketing, and selling. Unlike so many HUGE commercial companies, who focus on trying to persuade you to want their product through powerful advertising, which we all know is what you are really paying for, small batch companies let their quality do the talking.

First of all, we are "FRESHER". we only produce a small amount of actual finished product at a time, small batch micro companies don’t have the room to store copious amounts of ingredients and products so would often opt for fresh ingredients and natural preservatives. Sometimes, no preservatives at all, relying on essential oils to naturally prevent bacteria from growing like our lip balms, lotion bars and salves are preservatives free cause they don't contain water. This means strict "use by dates" and a short length of time between production and sale. FRESH goes hand in hand with luxury and effectiveness. Commercial brands store ingredients in large quantities and include preservatives (like parabens and petrochemicals) to keep them ‘usable’ for longer, or can be stored in warehouses and shelves for years... YEARS. It sacrifices purity for longevity so that they can be assured the sale.

Next point would be, we are more conscious on sustainability of the environment. The goal of many small batch companies is to minimize impacts on the environment and to maintain high ethical standards. Yes, we care for the environment as much as we care on providing great products, This seems to be a starting point for a lot of brands who were looking for ‘non-toxic’ alternatives to the mainstream skin care and other house hold products. Independent brands who value the more natural approach often also have a desire to be more sustainable in their packaging, sourcing and production. We strictly do not test on animals only in voluntary happy humans, and we made a promise to use only vegan-friendly ingredients, and most importantly, earth friendly and recyclable.
And one more thing...

We use non-laminated, recycled and recyclable sticker paper for our labels. Although it may be waterproof for a few uses, after a while, it "melts" away with water. Mass produced, commercial labels use laminated materials that are completely 100% non-recyclable that pollute our oceans and our forests!
That is another plus why Small Batch Bath and Body Business is best. Although our labels cost more than that of laminated and plastic labels, we can spend more on these special labels because we produce in small batches.
Handmade Natural Soap is Actually Soap
Most of the soap you purchase today is a commercially manufactured chemical cocktail of ingredients. It is not natural and is not even really “soap.”
Here is what the FDA has to say:
“Today there are very few true soaps on the market. Most body cleansers, both liquid and solid, are actually synthetic detergent products. Detergent cleansers are popular because they make suds easily in water and don't form gummy deposits. Some of these detergent products are actually marketed as "soap" but are not true soap according to the regulatory definition of the word.” Source

Handmade Soaps vs Commercial Soaps
- Mass Produced: most commercial soaps are produced by large multinational companies, with factories all over the globe. This mass-production results in copious amounts of environmental waste and degradation as well as poor living conditions for thousands of people worldwide.
- Factory-Made: commercial soaps are batch made by machines in large factories – in less than ideal conditions. Most consumers remain oblivious to the working conditions and cleanliness of the factories their soap is made in.
- Locally Produced: natural soaps are often locally produced with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. These local soap companies benefit small communities financially and they also have a very minimal carbon footprint.
- Hand-Made: hand-made, natural soaps are rising in popularity due to the fact that it’s enjoyable to make, and beneficial to use. When buying handmade, consumers have the opportunity to meet the person who produced their soap and to educate themselves on the ingredients.
- Made with Care: if a soap company is only interested in making money, they usually won’t commit themselves to natural soap-making due to higher production costs for mass-producing. For this reason, most natural soap lines are consciously created by people who are passionate about health and the environment.
I Carmen Nunez, soap maker and a business owner, I don’t believe scaring customers into buying my products with fear-mongering and pseudoscience—not everything synthetic is necessarily bad for you, and not everything natural is honest. The term natural itself is not even federally regulated, so any entity can freely use it and not have to back it up. I want, rather, for consumers to be conscious of what they are using, and for companies to be ethical and honest in the ingredients and labeling that they use. If the consumer understands what is on the labels of what they are putting onto their skin, or into their bodies, they will get to know what their sensitivities and product preferences are.
I believe that by offering you a better and honest product, I will help you to become a more demanding customer.
Take a look at our handmade soaps HERE.

We don’t want to scare you, but we do believe it’s worth caring about something you’re going to be rubbing all over your body once, twice or maybe three times a day.